Got back from a windy hike this morning and decided to answer an email via video for you Fuckers. Lez talk about...
Posts in Category "Git Changing | Advanced"
Transcript 8. DAMAGING Responses to Vulnerable Conversation: Examples 1-5
Hey Fuckers! We’re here, to get back into the communication aspects of NVC. We’ve been on a bit of a journey...
NVC shame, parts, and major points with Shelby | MFs Speak!
Today let's take a relcalibration break to hear the other major points hidden in NonViolent Communication. Straight...
*NEW* BONUS – Building Community – Reflection Qs From NVC Ep 7
Trying a new thing! Leading your reflections and opening space for new community building! ~~ Get your Reflection Qs...
Self-sabotage and your needs
If we deprive ourselves long enough? The SUB-C starts looking for new means of getting our needs met. Let's whiteboard...
BONUS – Identify your hidden vs. over-emphasized needs
If we're masters at masking our own needs so recovery becomes impossible... how can we start to figure out the ways...
7. Self-sabotage and psychosomatic illness V. your SUBC shittery | Important Workbook!
Notes: We have rigid rules about what needs are "allowed" for us in normal circumstances. Those rules often create...
Mini BONUS | Self-abuse Words, NVC, and IFS
So we just finished looking at precise & accurate emotions... ARE there any instances in which "false, projected...
BONUS Breaking the spell of feeling “neglected, ignored, and rejected” – Naming your real feelings and needs
The title says it all? We learned that "projected, false, judgmental" emotional words are a big part of our...
6. “Secondary” Needs and Emotions; Chronic Self-Entrapment | Workbook+Video!
Eek. Talk about self-deprivation....... no, really, let's talk about self-deprivation, masquerading as "meeting our...
Video! NVC x Recovery x Behavioral Science
Let's break down "behavioral strings" and see what we can learn about deprivation, triggers, and emotional spirals....
5. The “Goodness” of Deprived Needs Workbook | NVC Continued
NOTES Depression is the reward we get for being good children. We're taught what needs we're allowed to pay attention...
BONUS! NVC x IFS Conceptual Overlap
When does an unmet need become a "burden"? What does conflict signify? What's the answer to resolving interpersonal...
BONUS! NVC x IFS Conceptual Overlap
Hey y’all! Welcome to another bonus episode and thank you so much for supporting the project to this degree....
11.9.4. Rewiring yer Brain with NonViolent Communication | Video+Transcript
Notes:NonViolent Communication suggests our needs drive our emotions, which drive our perceptions.From that point, our...
BONUS! Applied NVC Vignettes and Exercises
It's a full length Bonus episode! Let's cover additional examples / pointers from Rosenberg and run through 4...