Thought I’d share a video with all tiers!
Let’s see “Relationships” in a visual format and understand our relationship templates that create the same dynamics over and over again… Thanks, Behavioral Science!
Thought I’d share a video with all tiers!
Let’s see “Relationships” in a visual format and understand our relationship templates that create the same dynamics over and over again… Thanks, Behavioral Science!
In our last BtB episode I used some poorly-understood words. Let's define "Mindfulness," "MetaCognition," and...
Eek. Talk about self-deprivation....... no, really, let's talk about self-deprivation, masquerading as "meeting our...
Let's break down "behavioral strings" and see what we can learn about deprivation, triggers, and emotional spirals....
Notes:NonViolent Communication suggests our needs drive our emotions, which drive our perceptions.From that point, our...
"Relationship" can seem like a nebulous cloud. So let's keep breaking it down. How can we understand...
Each relationship is a learned "dynamic." Each dynamic is a series of common interactions. Each...
Thought I’d share a video with all tiers!
Let’s see “Relationships” in a visual format and understand our relationship templates that create the same dynamics over and over again… Thanks, Behavioral Science!
Dunno if it helps to hear without the video, but figured I’d do the work and let you tell me the answer. Here’s JUST...
Who’s missing visuals? No body no more, this Fucker finally got a whiteboard.
Here’s a vidjeo I shot ya on Friday morning after getting sweaty.
Love this system. You know our friend and reigning community leader, Incanthatus? Well buckle up, because they're...
Let's get less bleak. What can you DO about perspectives that might not be fitting your authentic experiences or...
Let's call this one a "slow burn that builds." The filial piety mosquitos are worth the full listen. Moving from...
Let's chat more about the often subtle, flippant, and hidden social influences that automatically build up to become a...
If we can take on traumatized perspectives through secondhand exposure and other people's words... what chance does a...
A tale of two children, and two different lifelong perspectives. How is this "traumatized perspective" problem a lot...