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Video+Transcript | self-Defenses Level 2: Major Image Distortions

Video+Transcript | self-Defenses Level 2: Major Image Distortions

In this episode, we delve into level two immature defenses, specifically major image distorting defenses. These psychological mechanisms protect individuals from anxiety by simplifying perceptions of self and others into all-good or all-bad categories. While these defenses may provide temporary relief, they often lead to negative consequences in relationships and can contribute to depression. Understanding these defense mechanisms can help individuals recognize patterns in themselves and others, potentially leading to more nuanced and healthier ways of processing emotions and experiences.

Video+Transcript | self-Defenses Level 2: Major Image Distortions

Back to Basics: Somatic Experiencing

Somatic experiencing is a crucial component of trauma recovery, particularly for those dealing with Complex PTSD. This approach helps individuals reconnect with their bodies and process stored trauma responses. While cognitive approaches provide important context, true healing involves both top-down (mental) and bottom-up (bodily) processes. Somatic experiencing can be challenging and overwhelming, especially for those new to trauma recovery. It’s important to approach this work with professional guidance and to recognize that everyone’s journey is unique. By integrating somatic and cognitive approaches, individuals can work towards a more regulated and integrated system, allowing for more effective healing and personal growth.