What happens when "gratitude" loses all meaning? Or even, acquires negative meaning? Let's talk about why this holiday...
Posts Tagged "dismissal"
9. DAMAGING Responses to Vulnerable Conversation: Examples 6-10
Back to it! Here are the next 5 ways we commonly respond to others which shuts down discussion, fosters...
Transcript 8. DAMAGING Responses to Vulnerable Conversation: Examples 1-5
Hey Fuckers! We’re here, to get back into the communication aspects of NVC. We’ve been on a bit of a journey...
8. DAMAGING Responses to Vulnerable Conversation: Examples 1-5
What shuts down effective communication efforts? Well, we’ve got 10 “unrecommended” responses for you. We’ll talk...
Thanksgiving Special
I just wanted to reiterate the message *plus* add a comprehensive graphic to break down the typical family...
6.7 MFs Speak! | Cassie, on Gender and Sexuality as a TMFR
THANK GOD, this asshole is about to shuttup and hand over the mic. Today, let's hear from our good friend Cassie, who...
4.5 Guest: Cassie, on sexual abuse and overcoming shame
TW: Sexual abuse, incest, and substance abuse. I've always invited TMFRs to radio in with their own accounts of...