May I divert your attention to a video version of this post from SUV living after fleeing my family in 2021. ENJOY THE...
Posts Tagged "loss of self"
REPOST! **Re-ssociate. Re-find Your “Self” and Reclaim Your Life. Pt I | Video+Transcript
I thought this was a good time to revisit some powerful and highly ranked episodes from the past before we transition...
9.29 Incanthatus and Rewriting the Past, a Literary Therapeutic Intervention | MFs Speak
Let's hear from our community leader, Incanthatus, on working with parts! Thanks, as always, to Inca. Share your...
Prompts for Inner Work: HOW-TO Use SLBs for Subconscious Discovery
Here are the questions that go along with the 3-part series on doing inner work using Self-Limiting Beliefs as a...
9.5 | 3. HOW-TO Use SLBs for Subconscious Discovery – Build an Integrated Brain / Life
So now you know your self-limiting parts.... how do we integrate internally and create authentic lives externally?
9.4 | 2. HOW-TO Use SLBs for Subconscious Discovery – Track and Destroy those SLBs
Let's keep doing this work! Using our self-limiting beliefs to better unterstand and integrate our selves. TW - don't...
9.3 | 1. HOW-TO Use SLBs for Subconscious Discovery – Contacting Self-Limiting Beliefs
This "limitations" conversation is far from over. Let's get deeper to discover our own personal SLBs by examining our...
9.1 Disintegration of the Self-Structure Caused by Severe Trauma
Let's hear from this very applicable paper I found as an introduction to Inner Work Month.
8.34 CMNTY CoLAB Self-Limitation
Lez see what you MFs have to say on SLBs and the DMN! Plus... a bit of an announcement. gulp.
8.33 The MFRs Take on Self-Limitation Recovery | SLB Pt. IV
Fuckit, here's more than "how to rewire self-limiting beliefs." Here's also the answer to CPTSD recovery. Stabilize...
Summary/Transcript: How-To | Stoke “Self Empowerment” in RL
Episode link: 8.20 How-To | Stoke “Self Empowerment” in RL Bulletpoints: Start your day on the right foot....
8.20 How-To | Stoke “Self Empowerment” in RL
So, touching base with your "Self" once under highly controlled conditions isn't the end of the story. It's just the...
Summary/Transcript: How-To | Get Out of Yer Trauma Brain
Givin ya a new-old thing with this new spare time MF love <3 Post in question: 8.19 How-To | Get Out of Your Trauma...
8.19 How-To | Get Out of Your Trauma Brain – Starting “Recovery”
Surprise early drop - let's start to do the important work without waiting for a weekly release date <3 We've made...
8.18 Getting Out of Trauma Brain | Surviving These Times
Time for the science-backed conversation on how to survive these doomsdays. The answer is, getting out of your trauma...
8.17 GUTS 2 – where you’ll find your Self
Still speakin straight from the guts. Let's talk more what went wrong, what goes wrong for everyone, and the perils of...