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Posts Tagged "personality development"

self-Defense Notes & Article Excerpts SO FAR

self-Defense Notes & Article Excerpts SO FAR

This comprehensive overview of defense mechanisms provides valuable insights into psychological coping strategies and their impact on trauma recovery. By understanding the hierarchy of defenses, from immature to mature, individuals and therapists can better identify and address maladaptive coping mechanisms. The focus on action defenses and major image distortions offers a deeper understanding of how these psychological processes can affect mental health and interpersonal relationships. Recognizing these patterns is crucial for developing more adaptive coping strategies and fostering emotional resilience in trauma recovery.

Defense Mechanisms | Immature Level 1: The Action Defenses | Video+Transcript

✭✭✭✭ 5.7 Neurological Basis of Fragmented Personalities (Your Trauma Life on Survival Neural Networks)

This episode explores the concept of fragmented personalities in trauma survivors from a neurobiological perspective. Drawing on Janina Fisher’s work, it explains how neural networks form different personality parts as adaptive responses to trauma. The discussion covers survival responses, the development of a “get shit done” personality, and how understanding these mechanisms can reduce self-blame and shame. This framework offers a new way to interpret seemingly contradictory behaviors and emotions in trauma survivors, potentially aiding in recovery and self-compassion.