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Posts Tagged "projection"

3.12a. Transference, Projection, Monkey-barring, Displacement

3.12a. Transference, Projection, Monkey-barring, Displacement

This podcast episode explores various forms of transference in relationships and mental health, including projection, monkey-barring, and displacement. It discusses how these cognitive patterns can affect interpersonal dynamics and therapy outcomes. The episode emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and critical thinking in recognizing and addressing these patterns for improved emotional intelligence and relationship health.

Defense Mechanisms: Help-Rejecting Complaining

Why “healthy communication and expectation” doesn’t exist: Parts on Parts violence between partners PT 2 | Video+Workbook

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This podcast episode explores the complexities of relationships and how our inner worlds affect our interactions with partners. It discusses how unresolved traumas and protective behaviors can influence relationship dynamics, often unconsciously. The episode examines different internal ‘parts’ – such as exiles, managers, and protectors – and how they manifest in partnerships. It touches on common communication challenges and the patterns that emerge when different internal parts interact. The discussion emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and healing in fostering healthier relationships. While not offering definitive solutions, this episode provides a framework for understanding some of the psychological underpinnings of relationship difficulties and the potential for growth through self-reflection.