May I divert your attention to a video version of this post from SUV living after fleeing my family in 2021. ENJOY THE...
Posts Tagged "recenter"
REPOST! **Re-ssociate. Re-find Your “Self” and Reclaim Your Life. Pt I | Video+Transcript
I thought this was a good time to revisit some powerful and highly ranked episodes from the past before we transition...
6.3 Apply It | Repersonalization Pt II: A New Life for Your SELF
Well, I'm a sucker and I won't leave you hanging. Everyone gets Part II - take your "self" motivation and do something...
6.2 Application | Re-ssociate. Re-find Your “Self” and Reclaim Your Life.
So you forgot you exist in your own life, huh? Maybe you've been numb for a minute. Maybe your crutches have become...
Homelessness > Abuse | When Your Self Says “No More.”
Life calls. So, let's talk a personally-based mashup of dissociation under abuse, depersonalization, and being...