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“Worker rescued after allegedly left stranded on Colorado mountain by colleagues.” What did we recently say about work families?

Just a quick “lol but not” on this one!

The story below made me think of this recent post from TMFRs. “How to deal with Mind Games in the Workplace” – Reminder: CPTSD primes us for abusive work experiences that ‘feel like home’

NEWS: Office retreat gone awry: Worker rescued after allegedly left stranded on Colorado mountain by colleagues

Read it here:

Anyone else immediately have the thought:

“Were these office workers my siblings?”


“I bet my boss-parents also wouldn’t have noticed I was missing.”

Yeah, we can guess who the office Blacksheep was. The family-workfamily connection continues.

If he wasn’t work-traumatized before, he is now.

Hail Satan for his rescue!

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