Notes: We human animals focus on "conflict avoidance" as the measure of a good relationship - but conflict is...
Posts in Category "Subscriber Content"
Ignoring Red Flags; a real life nightmare
Alert: change in programming! And I'll tell ya why. This month we talked about the real difficulty in starting healthy...
10.51 Assessing potential partner’s “parts” through their social systems
We internalize the external systems we have to engage with, structuring our brains to be similar (or counteractively...
BONUS Video! Visualizing “relationship dynamics”
"Relationship" can seem like a nebulous cloud. So let's keep breaking it down. How can we understand...
Workbook! Sensing “energies” in potential partners, and what it all means
Key points: (IMO) Assigning moralistic judgments ("good," "bad," "nice person") to new relational partners is not...
10.50 Sensing “energies” in potential partners, and what it all means
If the IFS approach isn’t for you, this episode might be. Let’s talk about the validity of “energy” as the biological...
10.49 Somatic understanding of “Parts” in others… before you commit to a shitlationship
We can’t predict what the future will hold or rigidly mentalize about other people’s brains, but we CAN be real with...
BONUS Video! Interpersonal dynamics, explained by Behavioral Science
Each relationship is a learned "dynamic." Each dynamic is a series of common interactions. Each...
10.48 Extra “survival Fs” to give in relationship; Fronting and Feigning
We all know about the 4 survival Fs at this point. But how about the additional F reactions- Fronting and Feigning?...
Workbook! Extra F’s to give in relationships
Notes: We react with "survival Fs" when we sense our safety is in question. I propose there are at least 2 additional...
10.47 Enough Fluff – Relational “Real Talk” | Setting course for July
The past months of material may have been a shock to the system – where’s all this idealistic relational information...
10.46 Visiting family and life updates with Incanthatus | MFs Speak!
This time round, we’re hearing two stories from our buddy Inca! Let’s hear about their… Life Updates; progress in...
10.45 Worthlessness wounds, Burden parts, and self-slaying Punishers with Leanne | MFs Speak!
It’s a double dose of recordings by Leanne and commentary by this MF! Today, we’ll talk about the core wound of...
10.44 A to your Q: Stunting F responses in relationships
Ya asked, I didn't want to forget to answer. How do we "get over" fight/flight in conflict so we can master Intimacy...
10.43 BONUS Disclosure followthrough: behind the scenes in traumarific times
I got terrible at something in the past year or so; relational self-disclosure and expression. For protective reasons....
10.42 Dominic’s filial obligation to misery-spreading father parts | MFs Speak!
Today we hear from a first-time recorder, Dominic, about his lifetime of paternal abuse and filial obligation. Asking...