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Posts in Category "Narcs, Abuse, Safety"

Bonus Video! Narcs showing their ASS [Abuse-Supporting Stupidity]

Bonus Video! Narcs showing their ASS [Abuse-Supporting Stupidity]

This episode explores the concept of “abuse-supporting stupidity” in narcissistic behavior patterns. It highlights how narcissists often engage in self-sabotaging behaviors due to their reliance on immature defense mechanisms and lack of self-reflection. The discussion emphasizes that abusers unintentionally create a disintegrated psychological environment, affecting both themselves and their victims. Understanding this process can help survivors make sense of their experiences and reduce self-blame for staying in abusive relationships. Recognizing these patterns is crucial for healing and breaking the cycle of abuse.

How “Intelligent” are They Really? Type I and Type II Processing in Subtypes of Narcissists | Video+Transcript |

How “Intelligent” are They Really? Type I and Type II Processing in Subtypes of Narcissists | Video+Transcript |

Narcissistic behavior and decision making: how smart ARE narcissists, really? How do they make decisions? And how do these thought processes differ between grandiose and vulnerable subtypes?

“So Fucking What?” | Narc-Integrity Supplement | Video+Transcript

4.4. Pathological Structuring of Narcissists (Or, No Integrity without Integration)

This podcast episode explores the disorganized personality structuring of narcissists, explaining how their lack of integration affects their behavior and relationships. It discusses different levels of personality organization and how narcissists’ fragmented psyches lead to inconsistent and often manipulative actions. The episode draws parallels between narcissistic behaviors and childlike reactions, offering insights into why narcissists may seem unpredictable or intentionally deceptive. It also touches on the importance of self-integration in developing personal integrity and maintaining healthy relationships.