Truthbetold… I stole this entry off the community Discord server. If you haven’t popped over to Discord yet to be introduced, Daniel is one of the moderators who’s giving me one hell of a hand getting the “connection” part of this project up and running.
Beyond that, he’s my best friend, maybe the most insightful/spiritual person I know outside of my therapist… and – spoilers – we’re currently recording a conversational and interview podcast together titled “Maybe in 10 years.” Check it out on the Podcast page.
This dude ALWAYS has the most inspirational resources and learning tools to share. He’s a continual source of useful mindset hacks and perspective-changing information. Trust me when I say, even if you aren’t into Woo, we’re all lucky to have him sharing his best shit every day on the community server.
Here’s his recent resource submission.
Long winded explanation for a video link, but bare with me haha. Back when I was about 23 was one of the most difficult points of my life. I lost 3 people close to me in the span of about 6 months to suicide/accidental overdose.
I was at a job that made me miserable and empty at the end of the day, living in a state on the other side of the country so far away from all of my friends and the good memories of where I grew up.
I’d also found out my girlfriend at the time had been cheating on me so that relationship ended and I was feeling extra alone and isolated.
Anxiety was at its worst to the point of me barely leaving the house, I wasn’t eating well, drinking almost every day, the list goes on.
There are a few times I remember just sitting on the bathroom floor in the dark sobbing because of the feelings of despair and hopelessness. It really seemed like things wouldn’t EVER get better. It was just one nightmare after another.
There are a few times I remember just sitting on the bathroom floor in the dark sobbing because of the feelings of despair and hopelessness. It really seemed like things wouldn’t EVER get better. It was just one nightmare after another.
I was on a work trip for a few days in a city I’d never been before, feeling like a stranger to myself and my surroundings more than ever. My hotel balcony faced a busy highway with an airport just behind it. Took some pillows to sit out there and watched the cars zoom by and planes continuously take off and land, everybody just living their lives.
It felt so odd to me that my world was in chaos and felt so still but everything outside of me kept moving. How was it that I felt this way but everything outside of myself still felt the same? I wondered.
Popped in some headphones and put on a talk by this gentleman (Dr. Wayne Dyer) who I’ve linked here. I’d briefly listened to him in the past but didn’t think much of it, probably because it just wasn’t the right time for me to receive it.
I felt so much sadness, almost a sense of “Oh here we go, another one in my life going” or something. Sat with that feeling for a while until I heard a voice in me that showed me how much I’d gotten from him in -just a few days-, how much of an impact his life’s work had made on me and how much I’ll continue to learn by reading/listening to his stuff.
Welp, I ended up listening to him for hours, tears streaming down my face as I realized a lot about life and myself.
It was just one epiphany after another. It’s something you really have to dive into and I’m sure you’ll take bits and pieces that are meaningful to you.
I listened to him constantly over the next couple of days of my trip and I kid you not, my last morning there I woke up to a paper outside my hotel room door with a story saying that he’d passed away.
I felt so much sadness, almost a sense of “Oh here we go, another one in my life going” or something. Sat with that feeling for a while until I heard a voice in me that showed me how much I’d gotten from him in -just a few days-, how much of an impact his life’s work had made on me and how much I’ll continue to learn by reading/listening to his stuff.
I felt so grateful for this because I connected the dots and realized the same applied to the friends that I’d lost, only I’d had so much more time with them. It was such a bittersweet feeling, but it was the start of my path of self exploration and realizing that I can shift how I view things to change how I feel.
I felt so grateful for this because I connected the dots and realized the same applied to the friends that I’d lost, only I’d had so much more time with them. It was such a bittersweet feeling, but it was the start of my path of self exploration and realizing that I can shift how I view things to change how I feel.
Through him I started to learn about the authors/people in history who inspired him, as with those people, and the cycle has continued since.
It’s pretty crazy how listening to one person or reading something can change the trajectory of how you think about your life. He’ll always have a special place in my heart.
Wanna rap more with Daniel? You should, he’s my favorite conversational partner. For more from his life of learning, check out the newest TMFR podcast episode of “Maybe in 10 Years,” or hop onto the private community server to pester him all day long.
To request to join the Discord community, head over to… the Join page.
We’re hanging out there, spitting more than Franzia, most days of the week.
See ya soon.