Community Lowdown
Tired of feeling “alone in it”?
We know some Fuckers you might want to meet
TMFRs is a research x real life recovery project that leverages “Community Healing.” That means, we learn and gather support from each other for maximum benefit.
Sure, the group approach allows for validation of the big “is this trauma?” questions. But we’re not just here to spew or commiserate like some of the other social media options; we focused on recovery, together.
The research makes it clear… creating a support network is a crucial part of recovering a relationally traumatized brain. It confirms you aren’t alone on this planet, reteaches your neurons what to expect from other humans, and confirms that you’re allowed to express yourself, without punishment. Engaging with people who are growing catalyzes your progress and demonstrates that change is possible. If anyone know what it takes to heal a traumatized brain and life… it’s the other MFs who’ve been going through it.
Here are the ways to tap in, get healing, and practice healthy relationships with Traumatized Motherfuckers:

“The Blanket Fort” credit @larpingkatiekat on IG
Discord is a chat-based collection of specialized channels on one server. We use it for discussing the many facets of recovering from “The CPTSDs.” The platform can be used on PC or mobile phone, depending on how you like to communicate. You can choose a safe screen name to stay as anon as you’d like. It also allows customization – mute the channels you don’t need, and tune into the areas of YOUR current focus/recovery level.
Our server is a highly inclusive and open-minded place. All queernesses and gender identifications are strongly supported. DID is also heavily focused on – all fragmented identities welcome. No topic is “off-limits” and you’re encouraged to be your real Self, safely. Bigoted and harassing behaviors will not be tolerated.
*We do our best to monitor and manage users, removing those who challenge the recovery of the whole crew. But please read the Community FAQs before choosing to engage with the Discord or other community options. With heads full of relational trauma, there are always inherent risks to keep in mind.
Free Channels
Chat with folks who are also starting to understand their brains / lives thus far – no subscription required! This area is meant for Fuckers who’ve started engaging with the public podcast (CPTSD Basics), and want to get a better feel for the community on Discord. Enter the Introductory channels and start connecting with other early-CPTSD learners.
Discord Invite link:
*Note: See the “Why Privacy” FAQ to get the danger deets before you jump in. With free communities come fewer protections for your t-brain.
Beginner Channels
As part of the “Early Learner” tier on Patreon, get a handful of CPTSD Intro channels. Connect with other MFs who are newly subscribing and experiencing epiphanies about their t-existence so far. Also, find out if our busy Discord server is a good fit for your communication style!
Find it here as one of the membership options:
When you’ve settled some symptoms and feel ready for more nuanced conversation around trauma recovery? Just move up to the next community option to unlock additional chat channels. See below!
The Full Fucking Community
“The Deep End.” Ready to meet the Real MF Nerds? Get serious about your recovery with hundreds of other devoted deprogrammers in the “Git Connected” tier and above. Go here to unlock the full community when you’re ready to browse all the threads. Hit the niche channels and community calendar events to stay engaged, no matter WHAT you’re working on.
At the same time, meet the Mentionable MFs and Mentors who make this community soar. The regular guest co-contributors and community pillars hang here. And they always have insightful info to share.
Jump in here, at the Git Connected and+ tiers:
Everything Else
I’ll be honest, I don’t believe in social media for trauma brains, myself. But I try to maintain an IG feed that spreads actual information and advice, in case ya juuuust need to disassoci-scroll.
Hit up the Instagram feed from this site to browse my posts and subscribe to the handle. Cackle with friends and find fellow followers who you might want to talk to further.
Patreon members, rejoice! Now you can access membership-locked Forums on this very site in the Private Community Hub.
Talk topically or create conversations to find your t-penpals with less tech knowledge than Discord requires. Cut down on the notifications. And give yourself time to breathe between responses, if you’re not a rapid fire communicator.
Got Qs or comments? I might have answers. Send your share, story, inquiry, or suggestion… and check outcoming episodes for the best responses I’ve got.
DO Members get priority? Youbetcha. Check the Contact and Contribute page for more info!
One of the post types you’ll encounter on Patreon is the Polling option. Watch your email notifications and Patreon activity stream for episode-related polls and discussion prompts.
Find out what other MFs think in relation to our topical focuses each month & feel all the more “seen and sane.” Leave comments to expand on your answers and engage with fellow Fuckers.
Check your email for regular updates from Patreon. Comment on the posts as they hit your inbox to share your insights on individual episodes and resources.
You can also follow / discuss posts through the Private Community Hub as they’re pulled in from Patreon or added to the Private Blog. Comment through this site, or just browse according to Season, Series, and Ranked Helpfulness.
REALLY looking to get connected? Check the MFs Speaks! episodes for shares from wise Fuckers like you. Find out, as always, that you’ve never been alone.
When you’re feeling like challenging your own self-limitations? Contribute your own and give the callout to other MFs who might “get it.” For more information, hit the Contact and Contribute page.
Advanced Resources
If you’re up for a challenge, consider the Git Changing tier. Gain access to even more resources and find a group of extra-dedicated MFs commenting on those posts.
Videos, transcripts, reflection prompts, exercise episodes add to the conversations and deepen the “advanced trauma” learnings. Plus, the wise MFs in these tiers are often spitting out suggested resources of their own!