How do we make some of these processing events take place, in line with the hierarchy of how your brain wants to...
Posts Tagged "biology"
6.22 IV. Tips, Tricks, and Exercises for Control of Brain Processes
PTSD is synonymous with "bad brain function." We get lost in the weeds more often than not, lagging with slow...
Transcript for Pt III Working WITH Trauma Brain
It's all about *Implications.* Here's how we can actually SEE this brain hierarchy of processing in real life -...
6.21 III. Working WITH Trauma Brain; Implications of Understanding Processing Priorities
Get the full story all at once. It's time for Part III of this Neurobiological Education and Application series,...
Blog/Visuals for Working WITH Trauma Brain Pt II
Hey hey "working on it" Patrons! Welcome back to this experiment in breaking down information for overwhelmed...
6.20 II. Working WITH Trauma-Brain; Order of Trauma-Processing
Trying a more neuro-realistic approach! Releasing these scientific conversations in absorption-enabling pieces. In...
Blog & Visuals; Working WITH (Trauma) Brain Limitations Pt I
Here we go! You'll find the transcript/blogged version of the episode released today, along with doods to help see...
6.19 I. Working WITH Brain Limitations; Early Concepts
Trying a more neuro-realistic approach! I'm going to be releasing these scientific conversations in more manageable...
5.27 Workbook| YOU v. BRAIN Neural Network Reprogramming
Companion exercises to YOU v. BRAIN series. So you've got neural branches and limbs forming diverse networks in your...
✭✭✭ 5.26 Early Release! YOU v. BRAIN v. PROGRAMMING pt II
Understanding the intricate workings of neural networks can be a powerful tool in trauma recovery. This episode explores how our brains create and maintain neural connections, often leading to unhelpful thought patterns and responses. By visualizing these networks as branching trees, we can better comprehend how trauma affects our thinking and behavior. The concept of neural network overlaps and compartmentalization helps explain many common trauma symptoms. Recognizing the distinction between our conscious selves and our brain’s automatic programming allows for greater agency in healing. This perspective offers hope for rewiring trauma responses and creating healthier neural pathways.
✭✭✭ 5.25 YOU v. YER BRAIN
In trauma recovery, separating our sense of self from our brain function can be a powerful tool. This episode explores the concept that we are not our brains, bodies, experiences, emotions, or thoughts. By challenging societal narratives about the brain and consciousness, we can reframe our self-perception and reduce shame associated with trauma responses. Understanding the limitations of current scientific knowledge about consciousness helps us approach our healing journey with more self-compassion. This perspective shift can alleviate some of the emotional distress and self-judgment that often accompany trauma, allowing for a more balanced approach to recovery.
Stress-based sickness, psychosomatic disorders, and the F word. Fibromyalgia.
Waking up, like I didn’t sleep for weeks. Falling asleep after five minutes on my feet. A pounding head. That sense of...
4.7 Stress-illnesses and the F Word. Fibromyalgia
Exhaustion, unexplained pain, weakness, digestive failures, tension migraines, temperature sensitivity, insomnia,...
✭✭ 3.20 Evolutionary Basis of Emotions
Hey, quick question… What are emotions? Not "where do they come from in the brain." We're all tired of the limbic...
✭✭✭ 3.19 Self-sabotage and Dissociation
Shoutout to Tina. Posting this as an early release on Patreon, in case it helps.
✭✭ 3.10 Depression, Evolution, and Survival
Where to begin this conversation? Depression is as inseparable from my life experience as breathing. So, today, I'm...