Somatic experiencing is a powerful therapeutic approach for trauma recovery that focuses on body-mind connections. This personal account highlights the effectiveness of combining visual imagery, emotional awareness, and physical sensations in processing trauma. The speaker emphasizes the importance of professional guidance and the potential for rapid, profound results. While somatic experiencing can be intense, it offers a unique way to address deeply rooted trauma responses. The integration of cognitive techniques, such as challenging self-limiting beliefs, with somatic practices creates a comprehensive healing approach. This testimony underscores the value of both top-down and bottom-up processing in trauma recovery.
Posts in Category "MFs Speak!"
NVC shame, parts, and major points with Shelby | MFs Speak!
Today let's take a relcalibration break to hear the other major points hidden in NonViolent Communication. Straight...
10.46 Visiting family and life updates with Incanthatus | MFs Speak!
This time round, we’re hearing two stories from our buddy Inca! Let’s hear about their… Life Updates; progress in...
10.45 Worthlessness wounds, Burden parts, and self-slaying Punishers with Leanne | MFs Speak!
It’s a double dose of recordings by Leanne and commentary by this MF! Today, we’ll talk about the core wound of...
10.38 Inca’s self-compassionate life reintegration success | MFs Speak!
Let's talk about the results of getting internally acquainted and honest with our conscious and subconscious parts;...
10.37 Practical Self Compassion with Shelby | MFs Speak!
Recognize thyn own parts before they try to control others! Let's hear more about the model of nonviolent...
10.36 VIT: Kyle and learning to receive kindness through internal work | MFs Speak!
GIVING VIT is hard enough... but how about receiving it? What happens when your parts don't know how to accept...
10.35 VIT: Shelby and Emotional Intelligence > Cognitive Controlling in Relationship | MFs Speak!
Today let's hear from Shelby, in a most excellent rundown of the importance of emotional intelligence, internal...
10.29 VIT & the Workplace. Back to work after 1 year of med leave with Incanthatus | MFs Speak!
Ever found yourself in a position of revealing your mental health struggles with coworkers, bosses, and red-taping...
VIT: When the perp is your savior by Leanne | MFs Speak!
We all probably realized it: our VIT issues generally start with the FOO (family of origin). But can you remember the...
“Recovery Emotions vs. Life Obligations” Mailbag!
This is the rough transcript of the podcast episode of the same name!Find it wherever you podcast, just search...
10.27 Re-examining and rebuilding relationships influenced by parental patterns with Black, Inca, and Misa | MFs Speak!
Let's talk about relationship revelations, reconnections, and rebuilds. Especially, as they relate to direct and...
BONUS Workbook | Vulnerability, Intimacy, Trust | Bases of Post-traumatic Growth
Reminder! This is the blogged version of the VIT pt I workbook. It's not fancy in this form. Want the nice formatting?...
10.21 Interview pt II: IFS, Parts, and Alters with Kyle and Inca | MFs Speak!
And the conversation keeps rolling. Today, diving in deeper with parts and alters, straight from the mouths of the MFs...
10.20 Interview: IFS, Parts, and Alters with Kyle and Inca | MFs Speak!
Enough of my droning. Let's hear from two of the community experts on parts and alters, talking together about their...
10.16 BONUS Loneliness x IFS with Gaslight Jess | MFs Speak!
It was February 24th, 2008. We were standing outside in the snow at 1am, dragged into the tundra by cops. Leading to...