Public Podcast Stream

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Just search “Traumatized Motherfuckers” to start learning now
(or check the episodes down below)


FAQ: What's the difference between the public and private podcast?

The public podcast stream (this) is where we summarize important findings from the private podcast research efforts!
Education for the masses in a bite-sized format, perfect for introductory t-brain learning. Use it to get a baseline understanding of CPTSD & related issues!

If you’re a long-form podcaster / a serious rewirer… or just want to keep this project possible… hit up the private podcast stream for the full research deets, extra resources, and community healing.

FAQ: Why keep them separate?

Everyone has different learning styles and intentions.

If you’re looking for the barebone CPTSD basics and rapid learning, the Public Podcast is excellent for you. Get the foundational knowledge to realize “you’re not alone or unreasonable,” even if you have attentional issues at this moment.

If you’re working hard on deeply understanding your programming, rehabbing your brain, and expanding your life, the Private Stream is a better fit. The episodes are longer, broader, more personal and in-depth.

The Private Podcast and Community also keep us safe to practice disclosure among a crew who’s “opted in” to work intensively on recovery without the threat of malingerers. 

Wondering how this fits in with the suggested flow of learning / healing?

Find out more about the recommended ways to engage with TMFRs on the “Get Started” page!