Terms of Use

Abuse/bullying of any sort won’t be entertained.

Mediators (Server Staff and Jess) reserve the right to kick individuals at any time.
This pertains to comments on posts, blog entries, forums, and the Community Discord Server.

All information shared by users is understood to be sensitive and private.

If you’re not contributing, or if you’re exclusively contributing negativity, your account may be removed.

Community members acknowledge that this is not a professional therapy service. 

Providing supplemental education, support, and connection are the primary goals of our project;
this is not the same as “professional help” or “a crisis hotline.”

I (Jess) am not a therapist. Neither are the other MFs in the community.

All expressed opinions in the community reflect those of the speaker, not TMFRs.

All community tips/tricks/general advice should be treated as such.
When in doubt, don’t take our word for it, please. Consult with your mental/physical health professional.

Podcast consumers acknowledge that opinions expressed in the show are based on available knowledge.

Research findings and prevailing theories change with time.
Episodes are as accurately informed as possible at the time of their release.

Additionally, all research is filtered through the mental framework of a human being.
Interpretations and commentary are necessarily tinged by experience – it might not match yours.

And that’s it!
Use your own best judgment. When in doubt, consult your trusted professional resources.
Don’t trigger the hell out of yourself with my acerbic content.
Don’t repeat family patterns onto others.