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Posts Tagged "cognitive processing"

self-Defense Notes & Article Excerpts SO FAR

self-Defense Notes & Article Excerpts SO FAR

This comprehensive overview of defense mechanisms provides valuable insights into psychological coping strategies and their impact on trauma recovery. By understanding the hierarchy of defenses, from immature to mature, individuals and therapists can better identify and address maladaptive coping mechanisms. The focus on action defenses and major image distortions offers a deeper understanding of how these psychological processes can affect mental health and interpersonal relationships. Recognizing these patterns is crucial for developing more adaptive coping strategies and fostering emotional resilience in trauma recovery.

Bonus Video! Narcs showing their ASS [Abuse-Supporting Stupidity]

Bonus Video! Narcs showing their ASS [Abuse-Supporting Stupidity]

This episode explores the concept of “abuse-supporting stupidity” in narcissistic behavior patterns. It highlights how narcissists often engage in self-sabotaging behaviors due to their reliance on immature defense mechanisms and lack of self-reflection. The discussion emphasizes that abusers unintentionally create a disintegrated psychological environment, affecting both themselves and their victims. Understanding this process can help survivors make sense of their experiences and reduce self-blame for staying in abusive relationships. Recognizing these patterns is crucial for healing and breaking the cycle of abuse.

Bonus Video! Narcs showing their ASS [Abuse-Supporting Stupidity]

Mindfulness/Meta-Cog Notes! Slides and PP

This comprehensive slide deck exploration of mindfulness, metacognition, and traumatic training offers valuable insights for trauma recovery. By understanding how our past experiences shape our automatic responses, we can begin to rewire maladaptive behaviors. Mindfulness and metacognition serve as powerful tools for neutral self-observation, allowing us to question ingrained beliefs and make conscious decisions aligned with our present reality. The concept of “traumatic training” helps explain how childhood experiences can lead to lifelong patterns, while also offering hope for change through mindful awareness and intentional behavioral recalibration.

1.5. Life-Numbing Dissociation

1.5. Life-Numbing Dissociation

Explore the concept of dissociation in trauma recovery. This podcast episode delves into the neurological basis of dissociation, its various types, and how it affects daily life. Learn about emotional and intellectual dissociation, depersonalization, derealization, and dissociative identities. Gain insights into the triggers for dissociative experiences and discover resources for further understanding and healing.

1.5. Life-Numbing Dissociation

1.3b. Yer Life on CPTSD

Explore the lived experience of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) in this informative podcast episode. Learn about the cognitive, emotional, and physical effects of untreated trauma, including shame, anxiety, and relationship challenges. Gain insights into the daily struggles of those living with CPTSD and understand the importance of proper trauma therapy for recovery.

Bonus Video! Narcs showing their ASS [Abuse-Supporting Stupidity]

✭✭✭✭ 5.19 Family Brain Hijinks (Pt III of Brain Patterning Series)

This episode explores the intricate relationship between family dynamics, neural networks, and generational trauma. It delves into how early childhood experiences shape our brain patterns and influence our adult relationships. The discussion covers mental abuse tactics, the challenges of maintaining boundaries with toxic family members, and the potential benefits of limiting or cutting contact. Understanding these mechanisms can help individuals recognize unhealthy patterns and make informed decisions about their family relationships in the context of trauma recovery.

Bonus Video! Narcs showing their ASS [Abuse-Supporting Stupidity]

✭✭✭✭ 5.7 Neurological Basis of Fragmented Personalities (Your Trauma Life on Survival Neural Networks)

This episode explores the concept of fragmented personalities in trauma survivors from a neurobiological perspective. Drawing on Janina Fisher’s work, it explains how neural networks form different personality parts as adaptive responses to trauma. The discussion covers survival responses, the development of a “get shit done” personality, and how understanding these mechanisms can reduce self-blame and shame. This framework offers a new way to interpret seemingly contradictory behaviors and emotions in trauma survivors, potentially aiding in recovery and self-compassion.

Bonus Video! Narcs showing their ASS [Abuse-Supporting Stupidity]

✭✭✭✭ 3.23 How to deal with Emotions

This episode explores practical techniques for dealing with difficult emotions in trauma recovery. The host shares personal experiences and strategies, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness, journaling, nature therapy, and self-compassion. Key topics include recognizing dissociation, allowing oneself to feel emotions without judgment, and developing self-awareness. The discussion provides a balanced approach to emotional regulation, acknowledging the challenges while offering actionable steps for healing and personal growth.

Bonus Video! Narcs showing their ASS [Abuse-Supporting Stupidity]

✭✭✭✭ Early release: HOW to deal with emotions

This episode explores practical techniques for dealing with difficult emotions in trauma recovery. The host shares personal experiences and strategies, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness, journaling, nature therapy, and self-compassion. Key topics include recognizing dissociation, allowing oneself to feel emotions without judgment, and developing self-awareness. The discussion provides a balanced approach to emotional regulation, acknowledging the challenges while offering actionable steps for healing and personal growth.

Bonus Video! Narcs showing their ASS [Abuse-Supporting Stupidity]

✭✭✭✭ 3.22 Emotions, Attention, and Cognition

This episode explores the complex relationship between emotions, cognition, and trauma recovery. It delves into how our family backgrounds and social environments shape our ability to recognize and process emotions. The discussion covers negative priming, overstimulation, and fear responses, explaining how these factors can impact emotional awareness and self-evaluation in trauma survivors. By understanding these connections, individuals can begin to address their emotional dissociation and work towards more effective trauma recovery.