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Posts Tagged "self-help"

2.0. Intro to Season Two

2.0. Intro to Season Two

In this introduction to season two of Traumatized Motherfuckers, the host addresses their absence and the personal challenges they’ve faced. The podcast aims to share insights gained from a healing community, offering support and understanding to those dealing with trauma, family issues, and life’s difficulties. The host emphasizes the non-linear nature of healing and the importance of community support, especially during challenging times like the holiday season. They encourage listeners to engage with the podcast’s resources and remind them of their inherent strength and capacity for growth.

1.13. CPTSD Recovery

1.13. CPTSD Recovery

Explore a comprehensive guide to Complex PTSD recovery, covering key steps from community support to finding purpose. Learn about the importance of trauma therapy, self-education, nature therapy, and building routines. Discover strategies for personal exploration, independence, and making significant life changes. Gain insights into the role of energy awareness and purpose-finding in trauma healing.

1.7. Anxiety, Obsession, Hyperactive thoughts; The High Energy Hellscape

1.7. Anxiety, Obsession, Hyperactive thoughts; The High Energy Hellscape

Understanding the interconnected nature of high-energy mental health disorders like anxiety, obsession, and ADHD can be crucial for effective trauma recovery. By recognizing these conditions as part of an energetic spectrum, individuals can learn to manage their symptoms through energy regulation, critical thinking, and grounding techniques. Focusing on the present moment and challenging predictive thought patterns may help reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being. Regular exercise and mindfulness practices can also play a significant role in managing these conditions.

1.6. Depression, Shame, Rumination; The Low Energy Gang

1.6. Depression, Shame, Rumination; The Low Energy Gang

Explore the interconnected nature of depression, shame, and rumination in this podcast episode. Learn about the neuropsychological basis of depression and how negative thought patterns perpetuate mental health struggles. Discover strategies for managing your inner critic, breaking self-defeating cycles, and fostering a healthier relationship with your thoughts and emotions.

1.13. CPTSD Recovery

1.5. Life-Numbing Dissociation

Explore the concept of dissociation in trauma recovery. This podcast episode delves into the neurological basis of dissociation, its various types, and how it affects daily life. Learn about emotional and intellectual dissociation, depersonalization, derealization, and dissociative identities. Gain insights into the triggers for dissociative experiences and discover resources for further understanding and healing.

1.4. Actually-Effective Therapy

1.4. Actually-Effective Therapy

Explore the process of finding effective trauma therapy for Complex PTSD. Learn about the importance of trauma-specialized care, therapeutic boundaries, and various therapy approaches. Gain insights into selecting the right therapist, understanding medication options, and accessing community support for trauma recovery.