Understanding the intricate workings of neural networks can be a powerful tool in trauma recovery. This episode explores how our brains create and maintain neural connections, often leading to unhelpful thought patterns and responses. By visualizing these networks as branching trees, we can better comprehend how trauma affects our thinking and behavior. The concept of neural network overlaps and compartmentalization helps explain many common trauma symptoms. Recognizing the distinction between our conscious selves and our brain’s automatic programming allows for greater agency in healing. This perspective offers hope for rewiring trauma responses and creating healthier neural pathways.
Posts Tagged "trauma adaptations"
Over-stimulation and Trauma Brains
I have to tell you guys, I’ve been having a rough time in one regard lately. I’m not feeling emotionally-off balance...
✭✭ 3.12 Early Days Rerelease: Over-stimulation, Hypersensitivity, and Trauma
Explore the connection between trauma and overstimulation in this podcast episode. Learn about the physiological basis of hypervigilance, how childhood trauma affects sensory processing, and strategies for managing environmental and internal stimuli. Discover insights into why trauma survivors may struggle with concentration and emotional regulation in everyday situations.
✭✭ 3.11 Highly Sensitive People; the personality trait
Today, we're talking about a new personality trait that I learned from the TMFR Discord community! Are you continually...