Time to talk about deprivation driving our shitty emotions and the surprising complex world of requests vs. demands....
Posts in Category "Series"
Workbook+Videos! 2. Effective (NonViolent) Communication Steps 1-2
Key points: NonViolent Communication consists of 4 steps: 1) separate observations from evaluations2) identify and...
2. Effective (NonViolent) Communication Steps 1-2
Last time we learned the basic 4 steps of NVC - now let's get into the full conversation. Tiny neurolinguistic details...
Video+Transcript! Intro to Nonviolent Communication | Conceptual Re-education
My whiteboard and face are back after needing a self-care break! Let's run through the 4 steps of NVC, in preparation...
3.8b Shitpologies (AKA non-apology apologies)
This podcast episode explores the concept of non-apology apologies and their impact on relationships. It discusses various types of ineffective apologies, such as “I’m sorry if,” “I’m sorry, you know I,” “I’m sorry but,” and “I’m sorry you.” The episode emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility, acknowledging the other person’s experience, and offering genuine amendments for repairing relationships. It also touches on the upcoming topic of nonviolent communication as a more effective way to handle conflicts and maintain healthy relationships.
Rerelease | Learning to Live with CPTSD | Archie As A Metaphor
WTF Mates! Patreon didn't publish on the 25th. Have this one "late" and sorry about that Fuckers! See you tomorrow in...
Rerelease | Learning to Live on CPTSD | Archie As a Metaphor
Motivational figure, wealth of joy, and dedicated learner despite everything that was against him. For a lot more on...
Rewiring your deepest wounds with conflict resolution
Welllll… we’re at it again. Having more “drive the point home” thoughts after reflecting on what was recently said....
3.8a The Key to Healing Relational Ruptures (and two people)
My Fuckers. Hello. It feels like it’s been a while and I hope life hasn’t been railing you too hard in the interim....
Workbook! Relational rupture, without repair | The real problem in our relationships
Notes: We human animals focus on "conflict avoidance" as the measure of a good relationship - but conflict is...
Relational rupture, without repair | The crux of our relational issues
Turns out, relational rupture will always take place to some extent. But what really matters is repairing the...
Extra Fs to give in Relationships
Check out the workbook version of this post by subscribing to the Git Changing tier on Patreon and then heading to the...
Ignoring Red Flags; a real life nightmare
Alert: change in programming! And I'll tell ya why. This month we talked about the real difficulty in starting healthy...
BONUS Video! Visualizing “relationship dynamics”
"Relationship" can seem like a nebulous cloud. So let's keep breaking it down. How can we understand...
Workbook! Sensing “energies” in potential partners, and what it all means
Key points: (IMO) Assigning moralistic judgments ("good," "bad," "nice person") to new relational partners is not...
10.50 Sensing “energies” in potential partners, and what it all means
If the IFS approach isn’t for you, this episode might be. Let’s talk about the validity of “energy” as the biological...