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Posts Tagged "trauma processing"

How to overcome trauma shame? A “lean into it” approach.

Back to Basics! Somatic Experiencing: Safety and self-Advocacy

Somatic experiencing can be a powerful tool for trauma recovery, but it’s crucial to approach it safely and with proper self-advocacy. This episode outlines five key considerations for engaging in somatic experiencing therapy: maintaining a slow pace, focusing on specific events, ensuring personal safety, addressing feelings of sadness and shame, and stabilizing before leaving therapy sessions. The importance of finding a trustworthy practitioner and creating a safe environment for processing trauma is emphasized. Additionally, the connection between somatic experiencing and embodiment practices is explored, offering practical suggestions for those not yet ready for formal therapy.

2.2. Retraumatization, backslides, and non-linear progress | AKA – current cult.ural triggerings

2.2. Retraumatization, backslides, and non-linear progress | AKA – current cult.ural triggerings

Explore the challenges of trauma recovery during turbulent times. Learn about the non-linear nature of healing, including retraumatization and recovery setbacks. Understand the stages of trauma recovery and how societal issues can trigger CPTSD symptoms. Discover strategies for self-compassion and stabilization in the face of collective trauma.

2.1. “Not bad enough to be trauma” | AKA – the aftermath is what matters

2.1. “Not bad enough to be trauma” | AKA – the aftermath is what matters

Explore the challenges of trauma recovery during turbulent times. Learn about the non-linear nature of healing, including retraumatization and recovery setbacks. Understand the stages of trauma recovery and how societal issues can trigger CPTSD symptoms. Discover strategies for self-compassion and stabilization in the face of collective trauma.

How to overcome trauma shame? A “lean into it” approach.

✭✭✭ 5.26 Early Release! YOU v. BRAIN v. PROGRAMMING pt II

Understanding the intricate workings of neural networks can be a powerful tool in trauma recovery. This episode explores how our brains create and maintain neural connections, often leading to unhelpful thought patterns and responses. By visualizing these networks as branching trees, we can better comprehend how trauma affects our thinking and behavior. The concept of neural network overlaps and compartmentalization helps explain many common trauma symptoms. Recognizing the distinction between our conscious selves and our brain’s automatic programming allows for greater agency in healing. This perspective offers hope for rewiring trauma responses and creating healthier neural pathways.

How to overcome trauma shame? A “lean into it” approach.

✭✭✭ 5.25 YOU v. YER BRAIN

In trauma recovery, separating our sense of self from our brain function can be a powerful tool. This episode explores the concept that we are not our brains, bodies, experiences, emotions, or thoughts. By challenging societal narratives about the brain and consciousness, we can reframe our self-perception and reduce shame associated with trauma responses. Understanding the limitations of current scientific knowledge about consciousness helps us approach our healing journey with more self-compassion. This perspective shift can alleviate some of the emotional distress and self-judgment that often accompany trauma, allowing for a more balanced approach to recovery.

1.16 Early Days Rerelease: Leveraging Anger in the war of Complex Trauma Recovery

1.16 Early Days Rerelease: Leveraging Anger in the war of Complex Trauma Recovery

This podcast episode explores the unconventional use of anger as a motivational tool in trauma recovery. The host discusses how accessing anger can provide energy and determination when other positive emotions feel out of reach. Drawing from personal experiences and punk rock influences, the episode offers insights into channeling difficult emotions constructively. The discussion also touches on the importance of eventually moving beyond anger towards forgiveness and healing.