How “Intelligent” are They Really? Type I and Type II Processing in Subtypes of Narcissists | Video+Transcript |
Narcissistic behavior and decision making: how smart ARE narcissists, really? How do they make decisions? And how do these thought processes differ between grandiose and vulnerable subtypes?
PS – Intellectualism –> Shoulding all over yerself | Video+Transcript
Did I forget to say something yesterday, or plan to make this most important point separately? Intellectualizing -> SHOULDING ON and SHUTTING DOWN your own experience. Video available to all! Good to see ya again. Transcript: Fuckers! Hello. I am back. Is it...“So Fucking What?” | Narc-Integrity Supplement | Video+Transcript
So Fucking What Part 1 So Fucking What Part 2 Transcript: Well, hey there fuckers. Happy anniversary. This officially is four years of doing this podcast for me and for some of you four years of tuning in. I also have to say holy shit, that’s insane to...The Dangers of Intellectualization and Rationalization pt 2 | Video+Transcript
We have returned, for personality disorder x defense mechanisms Pt II. The major finding of our last show was… self-defense mechanisms work in a way that we didn’t quite have our finger on before. Previously, my brain assumed that self-defense was about defending...The Dangers of Intellectualization and Rationalization pt 2
The discussion continues! What’s the REAL purpose of these common self-defense tactics? Advanced fuckers can check out the video version, and see the transcript, here!The Dangers of Intellectualization and Rationalization pt I | Video+Transcript
Transcript: This is a section that got left out of our last big research episode on Disintegrated, integrity-lacking, narcs. If you’ve been sitting around, thinking “do I have a fucked up personality organization akin to narcissism or worse?” here are some...The Dangers of Intellectualization and Rationalization pt I
References: Caligor E: Narcissism in the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual. In Ogrodniczuk, J: Treating Pathological Narcissism. Washington DC, APA Book, 2013, pp. 63-79....REPOST! Apply It | Repersonalization Pt II – A New Life for Your SELF | Video+Transcript
May I divert your attention to a video version of this post from SUV living after fleeing my family in 2021. ENJOY THE GROWTH and Cheers Fuckers Transcript: Hey there motherfuckers, it’s Jess. And isn’t this end of the pandemic something? Yeah, I can tell...REPOST! **Re-ssociate. Re-find Your “Self” and Reclaim Your Life. Pt I | Video+Transcript
I thought this was a good time to revisit some powerful and highly ranked episodes from the past before we transition into talking about defense mechanisms. Let’s go back and recall the lessons learned during depersonalization recovery as we continue talking...YOUR RESILIENCY | Video+Bonus Qs to give your self some motherfucking credit (pt 7)
Your self needs to see how it’s been strong and what wiles it has to this day, to offset your self-estimations that may inaccurately center around weakness and disempowerment, doubt and exhaustion.