8.29 BS-free “Self-limiting Beliefs” | Pt. I

8.26 CMNTY CoLAB | Filial Obligation, Entrapment, and Suicidal ideation

What’ve other MFs got to say? Let’s hear about personal experiences and ongoing challenges with filial caregiving, sense of entrapment, and suicidal ideation that follows. Got words of encouragement, wisdom, or connection for these MFs? Comment below on...
8.29 BS-free “Self-limiting Beliefs” | Pt. I

8.23 {TW} Entrapment/Defeat, Negative Self-Appraisal, and Suicidality | Obligated Relationships Pt. II

Feel stuck? Getting hopeless? This conversation applies to all conversations! IF you’re feeling obligated to someone or something, seeing your efforts making no difference, and starting to doubt your own ability to cope… then what? The research says you...