Comment-Inspired Followup! “Adaptive Narcissism” doesn’t exist & visualizing the spectrum of narcpathology

Comment-Inspired Followup! “Adaptive Narcissism” doesn’t exist & visualizing the spectrum of narcpathology

“Dr. Ramani says there’s no such thing as Healthy Narcissism.” EXACTLY FUCKER! Let’s clear up what’s been throwing some of us off. And let’s visualize this narc discussion as the polarized spectrum it really is, while we’re at...
Transcript+Video | Your Ailing ‘self’ and How to Fix It… with GranAdaptiveNarcissism

Transcript+Video | Your Ailing ‘self’ and How to Fix It… with GranAdaptiveNarcissism

Friends, hello! Announcements in case you’ve missed some recordings or are generally new: Thanks for being here, a part of the recovery community. If you don’t know, I’m some working class motherfucker with a boatload of student loans ala trying to improve my life and...
“So fucking what?” Narc-Integrity Supplement (pt III)

VulNarcs and Past Negative Time Orientation; Using Time, Space, Energy for Growth or Narcissism

We need time, space, and energy for recovery. But what happens if we mal-use those resources? Today, we’re diving into a resaerch paper on the connections between VulNarcs and Past Negative Time Orientation, including how angry rumination and withdrawal...
Transcript | VulNarcs and Past Negative Time Orientation; Using Time, Space, Energy for Growth or Narcissism

Transcript | VulNarcs and Past Negative Time Orientation; Using Time, Space, Energy for Growth or Narcissism

So, I hope you listened to that little introduction to 2024 that I just released. As I told you, I’m…. quitting this show. This is either the FINAL season or, finally, the season in which I get my groove back and can’t stop dancing to the music. I’m not sure which....

Guilt vs Shame, vs the Ego. Or, “Why our relationships suck.”

OKAY MY MOTHA FUCKS. Months ago in August we spoke about the challenge of apologizing, for real, with the purpose of repairing relational ruptures. And all the ways that our relationships crumble when we don’t do those things. Then in September we discussed the...