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Trauma Thoughts | Identifying and Deprogramming Cognitive Bullshit

Trauma Thoughts | Identifying and Deprogramming Cognitive Bullshit

“whoops that’s a trauma thought.” -all of us. Logical fallacies, overgeneralizations, B&W rulings, toxic positivity; these are brains on t-bullshit. Transcript: Greetings and welcome, fuckers. We’re here for another Back to Basics episode...
Self Compassion vs. Asceticism: Joyless Living as self-Defense

Self Compassion vs. Asceticism: Joyless Living as self-Defense

Living in misery because it feels safer that way? Yeah, it’s a trauma problem. Let’s talk about deprivation as defense, and reframing those trauma thoughts. Transcript: Yaaaaa fuckers! We are here today to talk about kind of a crossover topic between...
Joyfully risk-taking, fucking up, and healing trauma

Joyfully risk-taking, fucking up, and healing trauma

Followup post! Fucking up isn’t shameful, it’s required for healing..A joyful approach to risk-taking and mistake-making enables post-traumatic growth. How can you reframe the danger of mistakes and celebrate your FUs, proudly? Transcript: Fuckers! Hey...
Avoiding & Compassionately Rectifying “Abuse Supporting Stupidity”

Avoiding & Compassionately Rectifying “Abuse Supporting Stupidity”

Followup post! How can we combat the brain’s tendency to willfully protect itself while maintaining a self-compassionate view on our behaviors? Transcript: Hey, fuckers. I wanted to come back with a little follow up on a bit of a ragtag post that I put out a few...
[ pt 2 ] No BS: Using self-defense knowledge for healing self and other pt 2 | Video+Tscript

[ pt 2 ] No BS: Using self-defense knowledge for healing self and other pt 2 | Video+Tscript

Back to compassionate understanding and acting in the face of immature self-defense mechanisms! A few additions to Passive Aggression, then we’re onto Splitting and Projective Identification. Turns out, it’s an insightful emotional episode for those of us...
BONUS NUG: The Freedom of Fucking Up (and apologizing when you do)

BONUS NUG: The Freedom of Fucking Up (and apologizing when you do)

t-brain says: mistakes and apologies = danger. Especially in the self esteem department. h-brain says: nah, Fucker. They’re esteem and relationship (em)power moves. Transcript: Good morning, fuckers. Look, this is a completely unexpected drop, but I thought that...