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8.21 Caregiving Anxiety and Obligation in Relationships | Pt I. Origins

8.21 Caregiving Anxiety and Obligation in Relationships | Pt I. Origins

Is relationship drain and strain your recurrent pattern? Exhausted, exasperated, and anxious all the time? How much of that comes from sense of obligation, constant caregiving, and anxiety about your capacity to endlessly provide both? Today, we’re talking about...
8.21 Caregiving Anxiety and Obligation in Relationships | Pt I. Origins

Summary/Transcript: How-To | Stoke “Self Empowerment” in RL

Episode link: 8.20 How-To | Stoke “Self Empowerment” in RL Bulletpoints:  Start your day on the right foot. EARLY. Before the world starts riling that brain, while alpha waves are still flowing.  Find meditative practices that work for you, to follow....