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Wholesale Failure

Wholesale Failure

You know, I actually talk up punk on the show for a reason besides my own lifelong interest. I think it can be a tool. Hear me out. It’s not a coincidence that so many punks are CPTSD roadies. Punk is full of connective lyrics about hard times. It features a mix...
4.24 Bite Sized | Stigmatizing Covert Abuse

✭ 4.20 [TW] Personal | Covert Abuse and the Utility of Self-Harm

TRIGGER WARNING: emotional abuse, suicidal ideation, and self-harm. Childhood abuse can come with a lot of overt violence and aggression… or it might be more subtle than that. Years after tackling the obvious trauma, it might be a bit crisis inducing to realize...
4.24 Bite Sized | Stigmatizing Covert Abuse

4.12 Guest | Cassie; on Achieving, Education, and Employment after Childhood Trauma

Last time, Cassie relayed her early experience with childhood sexual abuse and shame. Today, she’s back! Talking about quiet defiance leveraged against religious and sexual trauma through educational and professional achievement, refusing to bend to social or...
4.24 Bite Sized | Stigmatizing Covert Abuse

✭✭ 4.10 Data-driven trauma management: Pt 3 (Experiments and Retrials)

Living with a semblance of personal understanding, continues! We’ve reached the final part of this Applied Behavior Analysis and trauma recovery crossover. You know the concepts, you know how to gather data… now it’s time to run your self-experiments and...
4.24 Bite Sized | Stigmatizing Covert Abuse

✭✭ 4.9 Data-driven trauma management: Pt 2 (ABA fundamentals)

Ready to stop calling yourself “crazy?” In Part I we learned a bit about Applied Behavior Analysis and the application to Trauma recovery. Today, we’re using that information to collect data about ourselves, and beginning to form hypotheses about our...
4.24 Bite Sized | Stigmatizing Covert Abuse

✭✭ 4.8 Data-driven trauma management: Pt 1 (ABA fundamentals)

It’s time. Time to talk about Applied Behavior Analysis and trauma management. Because if you don’t know why your body and brain respond to unknown stimuli in your inner and outer environments, it’s pretty difficult to make a life you feel good about...
Making Big Moves for Mental Health

Making Big Moves for Mental Health

So, you know how I sometimes spit a lot of potentially shitty advice at you because people ask me for it? Yeah, I think it’s a bad idea, too. But I am trying my damndest to get through my contact form questions, come hell or high wallows. Also, yes, I’m just as tired...
What is CPTSD… Round 2

What is CPTSD… Round 2

What IS complex trauma, redux So… uh… I already recorded this episode. After I had been making this misguided, “Might as fucking well humiliate myself,” podcast for a few weeks it seemed like a good idea to take a step back and talk about the definition of...
Merry Fucking Christmas

Merry Fucking Christmas

So who’s looking at a challenging week here? While it seems like the rest of the world rejoices, you are in a very different “spirit” than they seem to foster. Maybe one of dread, disappointment, and anxiety? Emptiness? Frustration? Defeat? Sounds like my holidays...