by Jess | Apr 25, 2021 | Blog, CPTSD Relationship Downfalls, Git Changing | Advanced, Jess Journals, LIVING with Complex Trauma, Private Blog, Transcripts
Looking a bit long for the casual read? Yeah, this is the transcript to a whole podcast… and I’m thorough. Luckily, this full episode is available wherever you podcast! Be sure to check it out, and take a dive into the 100 free trauma recovery episodes...
by Jess | Apr 23, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Bite Sized Patreon Posts, Git Educated | Intermediate, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content
Back with a quick, consumable rundown of the full episode on Abuse Stigma. For the complete recording… uh… click again. You’ve probably realized, abuse is a dirty topic not to happily discussed in the public sphere. Victims are blamed. Cases are dismissed....
by Jess | Apr 22, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 2 Stars, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
You’ve probably realized, abuse is a dirty topic not to happily discussed in the public sphere. Victims are blamed. Cases are dismissed. And perpetrators are enabled. But what’s the point of our ignorance towards domestic abuse? Is there a reason why we...
by Jess | Apr 19, 2021 | Bonus Episodes, Git Changing | Advanced, MF Speaks, MF Stories, MFs Speak!, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Series, Subscriber Content
Taking advantage of an amazing MF who shared her story with me last week. Today, Monica proves her Motherfuckerdom by sharing her tales of growing up with two unhealthy parents, what she’s learned since separating herself, and moving forward in her (is this...
by Jess | Apr 13, 2021 | Public Blog, Blog, Jess Journals, LIVING with Complex Trauma, Narc Recovery, Public Content, RECOVERY, Seasons, Transcripts
Looking a bit long for the casual read? Yeah, this is the transcript to a whole podcast… and I’m thorough. Luckily, this full episode is available wherever you podcast! Be sure to check it out, and take a dive into the 100 free trauma recovery episodes...
by Jess | Apr 12, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 1 Star, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
So that last episode was an unexpected doozy, huh? (Still mortified.) Well, I’m back in Illinois and ready to clear the air with some actual LESSONS from this mess. In the past two weeks, here’s where I’ve been, what I’ve realized, and what my...
by Jess | Apr 10, 2021 | Blog, Jess Journals, Public Blog, Tools and Resources
You know, I actually talk up punk on the show for a reason besides my own lifelong interest. I think it can be a tool. Hear me out. It’s not a coincidence that so many punks are CPTSD roadies. Punk is full of connective lyrics about hard times. It features a mix...
by Jess | Apr 10, 2021 | Blog, Education, Public Blog, RECOVERY, Tools and Resources
Today I’m talking about two things, inspired by the AMAs from March. You’ll notice that they’re seemingly separate issues… but, actually, they’re built on the same neurological problem… with a similar new-connection-forming remedy....
by Jess | Apr 9, 2021 | Blog, Education, Member Posts, MF Speaks, Public Blog
People with BPD often experience intense attachment to a single person: they determine our mood, our identity, and our self-worth. They are called our Favourite Person. I remember my first favorite person. She played the part of Dorothy, in a local Little Theatre...
by Jess | Apr 5, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 1 Star, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
TRIGGER WARNING: emotional abuse, suicidal ideation, and self-harm. Childhood abuse can come with a lot of overt violence and aggression… or it might be more subtle than that. Years after tackling the obvious trauma, it might be a bit crisis inducing to realize...
by Jess | Apr 2, 2021 | Subscriber Content, Ask Me Anything, Git Changing | Advanced, Most Helpful - 2 Stars, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Voted Most Helpful
It’s the Ask Me Anything results from March – talking about the specifics of changing your trauma-born core beliefs and behaviors with a neuroscience background approach. Understand what you’re trying to accomplish, reach your goal more efficiently....
by Jess | Mar 25, 2021 | Blog, DID, Parts, Fragmentation, LIVING with Complex Trauma, Public Blog, Transcripts
You know those times when you can’t escape a particular person, place, thing, or idea? Everywhere you go, you hear about a certain F-list celebrity, you see a travel destination all over social media out of nowhere, you can’t avoid the whatever-doodle of the week when...
by Jess | Mar 21, 2021 | Blog, CPTSD Relationship Downfalls, DID, Parts, Fragmentation, Public Blog, Research, Transcripts
Hey Fuckers, jumping in for one quick correction. I’ll be honest. I recorded this, listened to it, and realized that my haphazardly thrown together final topic at the end is excluding something important. I’m not re-recording this thing, because I don’t have that kind...
by Jess | Mar 12, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 2 Stars, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
Expanding on fragmented personality via lessons from Janina Fisher and John Welwood (TMFR recommended authors). One of the ways we make sense of early trauma is black and white, “good or bad,” thinking. Our abusers are good OR bad, but nothing in between....
by Jess | Mar 8, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 2 Stars, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
“Who am I and why am I like this?” Dipping a toe into dissociative personalities. What are the proposed mechanisms that lead to a “fragmented self?” Talking about losing ourselves to our trauma adaptations, survival systems, negative...
by Jess | Mar 4, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 2 Stars, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
It’s the February Ask Me Anything! How do you spot core beliefs, how do you change them, and how do you know when you’ve cleared the cache? Time to talk about Fucked Up Core Beliefs and all the ways they shape our lives without our permission. To...
by Jess | Mar 3, 2021 | Blog, Education, LIVING with Complex Trauma, Public Blog, Tools and Resources, Transcripts
Happy Wednesday Fuckers! I’m back! On a regular schedule! Probably. We’ll see how I feel by tomorrow. I do have a backlog of material to get out as y’all keep piling new interesting questions on my plate. Time will tell. Anyways, I’m doing a short intro today to...
by Jess | Mar 1, 2021 | Blog, Education, LIVING with Complex Trauma, Public Blog, Tools and Resources
Not my article, just sharing some good information. Annnd maybe coming back to this in an episode about core beliefs, come Wednesday. Hint. This Small Change in Your Language Can Help Downplay Negativity This Small Change in Your Language Can Help Downplay Negativity...
by Jess | Feb 27, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, MF Speaks, MF Stories, MFs Speak!, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Series, Subscriber Content
Last time, Cassie relayed her early experience with childhood sexual abuse and shame. Today, she’s back! Talking about quiet defiance leveraged against religious and sexual trauma through educational and professional achievement, refusing to bend to social or...
by Jess | Feb 25, 2021 | Blog, Data-Driven Trauma Management, Jess Journals, LIVING with Complex Trauma, Public Blog, Series, Tools and Resources, Transcripts
Continuing on with this tirade of “here’s how one idiot thinks that trauma recovery can be approached and maintained”… Sorry, I mean it when I promise, I’ll be done trying to tell you what to do reaaaal soon here. Today I wanted to tie...
by Jess | Feb 25, 2021 | Blog, Jess Journals, LIVING with Complex Trauma, Public Blog, Transcripts
So this is normally my school day, but I’m feeling the need to dig into something else this morning. The past events of this weekend, annnnd the past nearly two years. Because, if you hadn’t heard, relationships are hard and I like to embarrass myself by telling you...
by Jess | Feb 16, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content
Ever lose, you know, your best friends in a time of trauma responsiveness and spend years ruminating about it? Yeah, well here’s what I can say about my recent return to the skwad. Reflecting on trauma-reactions without reason, how my emotional brain got things...
by Jess | Feb 8, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Data-Driven Trauma Management, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 2 Stars, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Series, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
Living with a semblance of personal understanding, continues! We’ve reached the final part of this Applied Behavior Analysis and trauma recovery crossover. You know the concepts, you know how to gather data… now it’s time to run your self-experiments and...
by Jess | Feb 8, 2021 | Blog, Jess Journals, LIVING with Complex Trauma, Public Blog, Transcripts
Things I’ve gotten good at throughout this Trauma journey: Seeing connections between where I’m from and where I am Thinking for the first time about where I’m going Letting myself have emotions Letting those emotions go Redirecting my energy and attention away from...
by Jess | Feb 4, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Data-Driven Trauma Management, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 2 Stars, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Series, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
Ready to stop calling yourself “crazy?” In Part I we learned a bit about Applied Behavior Analysis and the application to Trauma recovery. Today, we’re using that information to collect data about ourselves, and beginning to form hypotheses about our...
by Jess | Feb 2, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Data-Driven Trauma Management, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 2 Stars, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Series, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
It’s time. Time to talk about Applied Behavior Analysis and trauma management. Because if you don’t know why your body and brain respond to unknown stimuli in your inner and outer environments, it’s pretty difficult to make a life you feel good about...
by Jess | Feb 1, 2021 | Public Blog, Blog, Education, LIVING with Complex Trauma, Transcripts
Waking up, like I didn’t sleep for weeks. Falling asleep after five minutes on my feet. A pounding head. That sense of dread. Sticky sharp pains through in my shoulders and neck. Brain short on energy, missing a few cards from the deck. Waves of nausea and stomach...
by Jess | Jan 27, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content
Exhaustion, unexplained pain, weakness, digestive failures, tension migraines, temperature sensitivity, insomnia, insulin resistance, nausea, cold and flu symptoms… Fibromyalgia. Have you ever looked into all the stress-based ailments that Fibro (FM) encompasses?...
by Jess | Jan 26, 2021 | Public Blog, Blog, Transcripts
So, you know how I sometimes spit a lot of potentially shitty advice at you because people ask me for it? Yeah, I think it’s a bad idea, too. But I am trying my damndest to get through my contact form questions, come hell or high wallows. Also, yes, I’m just as tired...
by Jess | Jan 22, 2021 | Subscriber Content, Bonus Episodes, Git Changing | Advanced, Patron Season 04, Seasons
The past 3 years of life have been determined by applying behavior analysis to my traumatized life and making big, frightening moves. Annnd it’s time for another one – moving out of Atlanta and into my (gulp) midwestern mom’s house. Talking about...
by Jess | Jan 20, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, MF Speaks, MF Stories, MFs Speak!, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Series, Subscriber Content
TW: Sexual abuse, incest, and substance abuse. I’ve always invited TMFRs to radio in with their own accounts of living this trauma life… but faith in ourselves and our voices is lacking. Today, one MF finally steps up to the plate. Meet Cassie, a brilliant...
by Jess | Jan 18, 2021 | Public Blog, Blog, LIVING with Complex Trauma, RECOVERY, Tools and Resources, Transcripts
Do I really need therapy? It’s something I hear a lot – whether being asked about how necessary it really is, or listening to accounts of frustrating experiences – is mistrust, resistance, frustration, and exhaustion in regards to therapy. And man,...
by Jess | Jan 16, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content
“It’s not helping as much as it’s hurting. So… do I really need to do this?” Talking about the ways therapy helps and harms, plus, why it’s so goddamn hard to find a trauma-informed mental health professional. Looking for more...
by Jess | Jan 12, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content
You asked. I’ll share what I can. But realize: 1) whatdoIknow and 2) I use the term “recovery” lightly. Here are the steps that help a trauma life rebuild.
by Jess | Jan 11, 2021 | Public Blog, Blog, LIVING with Complex Trauma, RECOVERY, Tools and Resources, Transcripts
Key point: there’s a reason for the quotes around “Recover” So, back in the day I started this C-PTSD grassroots effort with the intention of sharing what had relatively rapidly changed my brain and my life. Transitioning from an agoraphobe trapped...
by Jess | Jan 8, 2021 | Git Educated | Intermediate, Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Most Helpful - 1 Star, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
News: when it comes to relationships, I’m dumb! Or, still trying to fill the void left by my early experiences – one or the other. Here’s a look at SOME of the ways I’ve made massive relationship mistakes in my past – from getting drunk...
by Jess | Jan 4, 2021 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 3 Stars, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
We’re doing it again! But this time… I’m not just anxiety-talking into space. Here’s an inside look at life on CPTSD – and what’s the difference between PTSD and COMPLEX PTSD, anyways?
by Jess | Jan 4, 2021 | Blog, Public Blog, Transcripts
What IS complex trauma, redux So… uh… I already recorded this episode. After I had been making this misguided, “Might as fucking well humiliate myself,” podcast for a few weeks it seemed like a good idea to take a step back and talk about the definition of...
by Jess | Jan 1, 2021 | Bonus Episodes, Git Changing | Advanced, Patron Season 04, Seasons, Subscriber Content
Is this just getting ridiculous now? Ha, ha, ha, yeah. It’s the era of “starting to understand what I’m doing.” “….Hopefully.” Want to keep this project projecting into infinite new seasons? Hit up or...
by Jess | Jan 1, 2021 | Subscriber Content, CPTSD Relationship Downfalls, Git Changing | Advanced, Transcripts
Hey, Happy New Year! I’m starting 2021 right and doing that thing I detailed in the 2020 wrapup episode. Putting out my posts for Patrons to peruse before I record and release them! This is an open invitation to add your own experience, observations, or...
by Jess | Dec 31, 2020 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 2 Stars, Patron Season 03, Seasons, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
Information is hard for a traumatized brain to process. We tend to carry unintegrated bits of data, which make living a directed life unmanageable. So start the new year on a better foot. Lay 2020 to rest with a few analytical activities to better recognize where...
by Jess | Dec 29, 2020 | Subscriber Content, Ask Me Anything, Git Changing | Advanced, Patron Season 03, Seasons
Is therapy necessary for CPTSD recovery?
by Jess | Dec 28, 2020 | Blog, Holiday Survival, Public Blog, Transcripts
So here we are, Fuckers. At the end of 2020. The days that we’ve all waited for. Do we all logically realize that today is no different than tomorrow in a practical sense? That this is an imaginary line drawn between planetary rotations? That the events of one...
by Jess | Dec 27, 2020 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Patron Season 03, Seasons, Subscriber Content
It’s the end of the year, Fuckers. I’m looking at the changes coming for TMFRs in 2021 – surprise, new community coming at you hot – and where we’ve been already.
by Jess | Dec 24, 2020 | Subscriber Content, Bonus Episodes, Git Changing | Advanced, Holiday Survival, Patron Season 03, Seasons, Series
It’s that time. Joy to the world? MF right. Have some quick reminders about how to handle the holidays. Plus, the free TMFR tee winner is revealed!
by Jess | Dec 24, 2020 | Public Blog, Blog, Jess Journals
So who’s looking at a challenging week here? While it seems like the rest of the world rejoices, you are in a very different “spirit” than they seem to foster. Maybe one of dread, disappointment, and anxiety? Emptiness? Frustration? Defeat? Sounds like my holidays...
by Jess | Dec 19, 2020 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 3 Stars, Patron Season 03, Seasons, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
What else needs to be said? Even after years of trauma progress, backslides happen. Mental illness pops up when you least expect it. Dark, depressing day and anxious, angry afternoons. And your response? To berate the hell out of yourself? Right. Today, we’re...
by Jess | Dec 16, 2020 | Public Blog, Blog, LIVING with Complex Trauma, RECOVERY, Tools and Resources, Transcripts
You know those days when you wake up with something shoved farrrr up your butt? Sorry, that was especially crude. If that actually happens to you, I have questions about how much Ambien you’re taking. What I really mean is, from the moment you open your eyes,...
by Jess | Dec 14, 2020 | Audio Podcasts | Subscribers, Git Educated | Intermediate, Most Helpful - 3 Stars, Patron Season 03, Seasons, Subscriber Content, Voted Most Helpful
Ever get stuck endlessly cycling through unwanted thoughts? Wonder where rumination ends and your trauma begins? Today, I’m talking about the overlap between ruminatory thought patterns, depression, and PTSD. The research says: they share a similar brain...
by Jess | Dec 14, 2020 | Blog, Education, LIVING with Complex Trauma, Public Blog, Tools and Resources, Transcripts
Today I wanted to take a step back and talk about something that I researched relatively recently for a different project. Something that has only become more relevant in my life as this post has sat around, untouched. The connections between rumination, depression,...